SeedBlink announces new portfolio metrics dashboards and insights for investors

SeedBlink, the European platform for co-investing in tech startups, announces new features and services for investors aimed at adding new insights in evaluating opportunities and monitoring the evolution of a diversified portfolio.

SeedBlink added several enhancements to the platform, among the most important being the new version of the portfolio monitoring tool with improved capabilities to visualize the evolution of startups and better communication between founders-investors, private syndication services, European passport (ECSPR), education programs and the platform available in Greek, Bulgarian and Dutch in addition to English and Romanian.

SeedBlink's active investors have access, in addition to quarterly presentations, to graphs on the performance of portfolio companies, with available business indicators collected from the founders, including revenue, total costs, EBITDA, new customers, total customers, as well as the most important news and needs of the companies.

SeedBlink has also recently launched a referral program, whereby investors can bring their friends to the platform. Upon completion of the identity verification process, both they and the investor receive SeedBlink Club for free for a fixed period of one or three months.

On the other hand, startups will be able to syndicate their own investors (private syndication services), which will simplify the funding process and company management beyond the rounds selected by SeedBlink.

With the mission to ensure collaboration between investors, SeedBlink has also initiated an educational programme called Tech Investors Academy, in partnership with Bucharest International School of Management (BISM), which combines a series of online masterclass and offline events, with investors and start-up founders as guest lecturers.

The program aims to improve investors' knowledge of the venture capital market and covers topics such as trends in technology, valuing start-ups and understanding what makes some companies grow faster than others.

"We want to give individual investors access alongside institutional investors to both venture capital investment opportunities and data and tools for portfolio analysis for informed decisions. The new launches include founder reporting boards in MyPortfolio with easy-to-read metrics about the post-investment progress of companies, but also new insights through educational programs and sharing best practices with other investors," said Adriana Iordan, Chief Product and Marketing of SeedBlink.

"Through the three sessions organized, SeedBlink has managed to cover a much-needed educational area among those close to the start-up ecosystem. The content was on point, the speakers were top-notch, and the quality of the participants made the whole experience priceless. I also think that the hybrid model was wisely chosen, given that networking is necessary these days", said Cătălin Epure, Endeavor Romania associate.

"The masterclass sessions organized by SeedBlink are extremely useful as they provide access to specific knowledge from experienced professionals. In just a few hours, you can learn and access precious resources, otherwise hard to find, but essential to understand how investments work and the key things to keep in mind when investing in start-ups. For founders, such master classes are useful to understand the external vision and what makes a start-up valuable in the eyes of investors”, said Adina Murariu, Chief Operations Officer at EasySales Romania.

The company recently partnered with German consulting firm Horvath to create reports and analyses on the European tech investment ecosystem. The partnership aims to facilitate investors' decision-making process with company analysis and provide a better understanding of trends in the sector.

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