Romanian early stage technology startups, embedded locally or in the diaspora can register until February 28, here:
The initiative is officially supported by Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth of the European Commission and by the European Committee of the Regions.
In Romania, the initiative is brought by ROTSA - Romanian Tech Startups Association, a non-profit organization that aims to promote, support and represent the interests of technology startups in Romania, regardless of vertical.
“It is our organizational mission to bring together the main actors of the national ecosystem of technology startups, facilitating their communication and creating connections and partnerships between them. We are pleased that we have been selected to implement this program at the national level because we have a better opportunity to support the initiatives of internationalization startups and to identify sources of funding with which to grow. " - Cristiana Bogățeanu, ROTSA Executive Director.
The program is addressing all tech startups in the EU and aims to connect hundreds of early-stage startups with experts, founders of unicorn startups, investors, VCs.
The activities of the program will take place online in March and April, and during that time each team or founder of an early-stage tech startup in the EU will have access to funding opportunities, the possibility of scaling in other EU countries and opportunities to find new customers.
Within the incubator there will be several types of activities such as: office hours, 1:1 meeting with mentors, workshops, educational content, etc. and each of the 6 weeks will have a specific topic:
WEEK 1 - How to build your team?
WEEK 2 - How to communicate with customers to find out their needs?
WEEK 3 - How to build an MVP?
WEEK 4 - How to sell (investment perspective)?
WEEK 5 - How to do marketing & sales for a product?
WEEK 6 - How to make your pitch deck?
The incubation program, organized at the national level by the countries involved in the program, will be followed by sessions with Angel Investors at the European level, which will be handled by European Startup Universe HQ, the initiator of the project.
European Startup Universe Romania Ambassadors
Speakers who joined to support the office hours sessions are: Cristina Țoncu - Co-founder @Techcelerator; Tudor Mafteianu - Managing Director @Blu Capital Partners / Leafway
Holdings; Malin-Iulian Ștefănescu - CEO @TechAngels; Mihai Carabas - Avocat / Antreprenor @Carabas, Lungu - SCA; Simona Bonghez - Managing Partner @Colors in Projects; Tudor
Mihai - Founder & Consultant @Innovating Society SRL; Ștefan Koritar - CEO & Partner @Grai Ventures; Smaranda Ignat - Co-founder @PropTech Romania; Cristian Dascălu - Co-
founder / VC Fund Partner @Techcelerator / @Gapminder; Cristian Negrutiu - Founding Partner @Sparking Capital; Alexandru Popescu - Managing Partner @Cleverage Capital; Haret Samuel -
Scaling Specialist/Sales Mentor @Commons Accel; Bogdan Almasi - Co-founder and CEO @RONIN; Irina Leca - Marketing Manager @Google Portugal; Alexandru Bogdan - CEO
Experts who joined to attend the 1: 1 sessions of the event are: Andrei Ostacie - Co-Founder @OKAPI; Cristina Țoncu - Co-founder @Techcelerator; Mihai Carabas - Avocat / Antreprenor
@Carabas, Lungu - SCA; Tudor Stanciu - Co-founder & Digital Lawyer @Digital 2 Law; Daniel Andor - Founder & Lead Product Designer @Durran; Florin Pop - Owner @Primainvest; Diana Nitescu - CEO @TOP Minds | Founder @OctogonHUB; Mircea Vadan - Board Member / Partner @Activize; Adrian Gheorghe - Investors Relations @Growceanu Angel Investment;
Alexandru Popescu - Managing Partner @Cleverage Capital; Christian Sacarea - Vice Rector / Vice President @Babes Bolyai University / @Cluster de Edcuatie C-EDU; Georgina Lupu
Florian - CEO @Wolfpack Digital & Pamble; Tudor Mihai - Founder & Consultant @Innovating Society SRL; Marius Mitroi - CEO & Co-founder @RIDESAFE Technology;
Alexandru Popescu - Managing Partner @Cleverage Capital; Haret Samuel - Scaling Specialist/Sales Mentor @Commons Accel; Bogdan Almasi - Co-founder and CEO @RONIN -; Irina Leca - Marketing Manager @Google Portugal; Philip Choban - CEO Telios Care; Cristian Dascălu - Co-founder / VC Fund Partner @Techcelerator / @Gapminder.
Startups interested in participating in the ESU Romania incubator can register by filling out this form: