British startup Crikle lists on Romanian equity crowdfunding platform Seedblink

Crikle, the London-based company with deep roots in Romania, developer of a simple and unique remote selling solution for the global sales workforce, is preparing for its listing on the equity crowd-funding platform Seedblink tomorrow, on December 3rd.

The company already received EUR 100.000 from private investors, before its public listing on Seedblink. One of its early investors, Radu Georgescu, has also made a follow-up investment to see the company through to its next stage of development.

Crikle was founded by Diwaker Singh in 2019, well-known in Romania for his deep involvement into local-originated companies with global reach, such as RAV Antivirus, Avangate, Coinzone and Vector Watch. With an R&D team based in Bucharest and a management and marketing team with British roots, Crikle is a global pioneer of the smart technology solutions for remote selling at a time when selling from anywhere in the world, to anyone in the world is a priority for all sales organizations.

“Sales professionals are having a difficult time in selling remotely as they have to rely on meeting and conferencing tools to do so. Video calling only took care of a small part of the selling process. Sales professionals need an all-in-one guided sales platform, integrated with their CRM, from where they can accurately record and transcribe customer feedback, easily access sales checklists and materials during a customer call, and of course, do the video call with the customer as well. No single platform available today can perform all these tasks in a seamless and unified way, apart from Crikle.” - Diwaker Singh, Founder and CEO of Crikle.

Optiplan Kitchens, one the largest Crikle’s customers, substantially increased its revenues in just a few months since it has begun using the platform. Thus, as they officially declared, one third of their revenues was generated with Crikle. And Optiplan is just one of Crikle’s satisfied customers that has shown good results using the guided sales platform.

Currently active in the UK and US markets with a beta product, Crikle has more than 100 paying users and approximately 500 users on trial. Crikle is projected to have more than 30,000 users by the end of 2023.

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