Romanian-American startup Siscale targets 800.000 EUR funding on Seedblink

Siscale AI, a company that has developed a solution that automates IT process based on artificial intelligence, intends to attract 800,000 euros through Seedblink, an investment platform for startups and technology. The listing took place yesterday, April 26, for Seedblink Elite and Classic members, while the listing for all users of the platform will take place in the second half of May.

Of the 800,000 euros, about 150,000 euros will be invested by the company's co-founders. Targeted funding through SeedBlink will be directed to research and development, marketing and sales.

The company was launched in 2015 in New York by Petrică Ruță, a Romanian with over 25 years of experience in the IT industry and who is established in the USA since 2012. Later on, he was joined by Bogdan Perian, Călin Cornigeanu, Cristian Ruță, Bogdan Sass, Bob Dimicco and Andreas Enotiadis.

Patent pending in the US

The idea of launching Siscale AI and, the company's main product, was determined by the founders' experience in cybersecurity, data science, software development, and integration. helps cybersecurity specialists in sorting alerts and automating numerous manual processes. These include collecting threat intelligence information, the automatic creation of tickets or the deduplication of alerts. In fact, the company is in the process of validating a patent in the USA for an element of The patent refers to collecting feedback from multiple agents for the training of the artificial intelligence model.

 “We launched because of our experience in the area of cybersecurity, but especially as a result of the problems that our customers encountered. These two elements have led us to the idea that a new approach is needed., the product for which we target SeedBlink funding, is extremely useful for cybersecurity specialists, a vital area of IT. The investment will be used mainly for development, especially since we are currently validating a patent in the US for this AI solution. We are happy to list on SeedBlink, a platform that helps so many tech startups to grow”, said Petrică Ruță, CEO and co-founder of Siscale AI. 

From prototype to a Software as a Service business in Europe and the US

For 2021, the founders want to validate the product and launch it as software as a service, and, in the next 18 months, it aims to register 100 customers. The management targets both the European and the US markets. Siscale's clients include Orange Romania and Summit Health, one of the largest providers of medical services in New York.

“Siscale AI is an active startup in the USA, but with Romanian roots. A senior team that started with Cisco and sold cybersecurity products and services to large American corporations that focus their energies on an AI-based product that will replace human activity., the product developed by Siscale, transforms complex processes, by saving time and money without sacrificing quality. Listing to the SeedBlink Club is an agile move on the road to the Serie A round", says Andrei Dudoiu, co-founder and CEO of SeedBlink.

Siscale AI is among the alumni of Innovation Labs (pre-acceleration) and Advancing AI (acceleration) programs. Tech partnerships for development include Elasticsearch, Google, PaloAlto and Cisco.

The company is registered in Delaware and has offices in New Jersey, Bucharest and Timisoara. The research and development team of Siscale AI has 32 people and is located in Romania.

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