Ziora, online management and scheduling software, lists on Seedblink

Ziora, an online platform for business administration and scheduling management, is listed on SeedBlink, the largest equity crowdfunding platform in Southeast Europe, in a funding round of 140,000 euros, for which the company divests 10% of the capital. The listing will take place on Tuesday, February 2, at 10.00 AM.

The amount is necessary to promote the ZIORA brand, the development of the sales team, and the expansion of the fields of use at the national and international level. Entrepreneurs are also in talks with an investment fund looking into joining the business to accelerate outsourcing.

Ziora is a software dedicated to business administration that requires appointments and is used mainly by beauty salons, wellness and SPA, sports clubs, medical, dental, or psychotherapy offices, law firms, and car services. The application was developed by Marius Chiriță, Irinel Bîrsan, and Cătălin Bălinișteanu. In 2020, Silviu Chiriță, a senior financial analyst with experience in asset management, advisory, and private equity, and Lucian Rotar, through S.C. Nexia Consulting S.R.L., serial entrepreneur and investor in the TechAngels community, with over 20 years of experience in the IT&C field, both in the country and abroad.

„Since appointments became mandatory, this type of service has gone from a "nice to have" to a "must-have" category. Listing on SeedBlink means a step-through, through which we move from the area of technical development to business. It is an opportunity to reach a market share of 10% in the segment of beauty salons in Romania and expand into other markets in Europe ", says Marius Chiriță, co-founder of Ziora Business IT, the company that developed the Ziora application.

"We are excited to list a company that helps a difficult sector challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, the beauty salons market, thus trying to contribute to the relaunch of the Romanian economy. The solution proposed by Ziora allows companies in this segment to streamline their operations and be better prepared for the digital transformation that all economic sectors face nowadays", said Andrei Dudoiu, Co-founder & CEO SeedBlink.

"The existence of their website, which they can easily modify, will allow them to promote themselves, to become visible in the online environment, to grow. The Ziora community will facilitate their access to district distributors, trainers, service providers, partners, and customers - connections necessary for their business to be successful", adds Marius Chiriță.

The management estimates that this year over 250,000 appointments will be created through the application.

The founders of Ziora expect that by the end of next year, the company will reach a turnover of one million euros in Romania and 15,000 customers by the end of 2023.

In terms of international expansion, entrepreneurs plan to enter the Hungarian in 2022 and French markets in 2023.

This year, the company aims to attract 10% of the national beauty market and scale in two new areas - health and automotive. In these new segments, the founders want to become a leading platform.

Among the services offered by the platform are: personalized site for each customer, with an e-commerce component, integrated mode for online programming synchronized in the application calendar, direct communication between suppliers and customers, programming of several services within the same subscription, reminder ( SMS), management of both staff and products, notification for important events (recurring, individual customer day, no-show), sale of products both directly from the application and their order at the time of appointment to pick them up from the salon. Before the appointment date, Ziora sends customers an SMS and/or a reminder email to increase the presentation rate. If the client cancels the appointment, the reserved interval is automatically released in the calendar to create a new appointment.

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