Câștigătorul premiului-investiție de 350.000 de euro de la Sporlight Pitch Day a fost anunțat la finalul evenimentului din această seară. Alpha AR dezvoltă o soluție deep tech bazată pe inteligență artificială care permite dezvoltarea de grafică 3D pentru realitate augmentată și realitate virtuală.

Pe locul 3 al competiției a fost RepsMate din România, platformă ce folosește inteligența artificială pentru a transforma vânzările. Pe locul 2, din Macedonia, a fost CodeWell, startiă ce dezvoltă asistenți digitali care automatizează departamente întregi.

10 startup-uri au intrat finala programului Spotlight 2021 pentru a câștiga premiul-investiție de 350.000 de euro pe 24 noiembrie.

Cei 10 finaliști la Spotlight 2021 au fost:

  • Brio (România) - SaaS startup providing cloud-based test building and test results assessment tools to educational institutions, teachers, trainers and students.
  • Alpha AR (Estonia) - AI-based deep tech solution that makes 3D easy and scalable for AR/VR, NFTs, games and marketing.
  • Vatis Tech (România) - Speech recognition infrastructure made accessible for everyone.
  • Streams Live (România) - Livestream shopping (live, interactive, sociable video sales).
  • CodeWell AI (Macedonia) - Digital Assistants that automate entire departments and take the customer experience to a whole new level.
  • Nu Credits (Polonia) - Trade finance platform for SMEs. and providing real-time insights of factory floors.
  • iSpeak (Lituania) - The Tik Tok for language learning.
  • RepsMate (România) - Conversation intelligence platform that transforms sales and support representatives into top performers.
  • Coursy (Estonia) - All-in-one learning platform for effective skills development.
  • Konvi (România) - Investment platform enabling partial ownership of alternative assets, starting with luxury watches and fine wine.

Premiul-investiție oferit celui mai bun startup în competiția de la finalul programului Spotlight 2021 a fost sindicalizat de către un grup de investitori alcătuit din: TechAngels, SeedBlink, Growceanu, GapMinder Venture Partners, RocaX, Simple Capital și Transylvania Angels Network (T.A.N.). Suma este oferită ca aport la o viitoare investiție în startup, sub forma unui convertible note.

În total, 42 de echipe au participat la ediția din acest an a programului organizat de How to Web. Echipele participante provin din România, Estonia, Polonia, Letonia, Lituania, Macedonia, Croația, Cehia, Kosovo, Ungaria și Ucraina.

Cele 42 de startup-uri selectate la Spotlight 2021 au fost:

  • Vaunt Software (România) - Platform that allows streamline selling & managing residential projects.
  • Teamsharq (Polonia) - Cohort-based courses platform for software-based training.
  • SOLO Workout (Polonia) - App for tracking workouts and creating personalised training plans.
  • Salarium (România) - Fintech solution that helps employees to reach their salaries faster, better, easier.
  • Renderro (Polonia) - Cloud desktop for creatives.
  • Orgo.space (România) - Integrated platform that helps organisations manage resources and engage its members.
  • Octavic (România) - Tracking production processes, quickly identifying bottlenecks
  • NRGI.ai (România) - Electricity marketplace helping consumers save money on their electricity costs by choosing a cheaper, greener provider.
  • Microtica (Macedonia) - Self-service Cloud infrastructure creation and app deployment in minutes.
  • LEGID (Estonia) - AI-powered marketplace for hassle-free legal advice.
  • Labbox (Kosovo) - Subscription-based educational service that delivers STEM kits for kids.
  • KFactory (România) - Turning factories into smart factories by providing insights on performance, resource utilization and efficiency.
  • insbay (Polonia) - Changing product placement on TV into a measurable sales channel.
  • FlowOS (România) - Integrative software framework for bundling communication and collaboration functions into coherent ecosystems.
  • Drafter AI (Letonia) - Low-code platform enabling product teams to launch web-based products 10X faster.
  • Coursy (Estonia) - All-in-one learning platform for effective skills development.
  • CodeWell AI (Macedonia) - Digital Assistants that automate entire departments and take the customer experience to a whole new level.
  • Charge Network (Lituania) - The AirBnB of EV charging stations.
  • Brio (România) - SaaS startup providing cloud-based test building and test results assessment tools to educational institutions, teachers, trainers and students.
  • Bidrento (Estonia) - Automated and revenue increasing CRM for rental property management.
  • Automizy (Ungaria) - Email marketing software designed to increase email open rates.
  • Alpha AR (Estonia) - AI-based deep tech solution that makes 3D easy and scalable for AR/VR, NFTs, games and marketing.
  • BeeSage (Letonia) - Beehive monitoring system maximizing honey yield and reducing bee mortality.
  • Bitskout (Estonia) - Helping tool for project leaders to get projects done faster.
  • CardioMedive (România) - Enabling remote teleconsultation, diagnosis and monitoring of chronic conditions.
  • ClientZen (România) - Real time customer experience management platform for B2B.
  • Contester (Estonia) - Choice-driven interaction platform to level up digital marketing ROI and sales.
  • DGROOPS (Croația) - Booking and management platform for group reservations.
  • enty.io (Estonia) - A single control panel for back-office operations for SMEs.
  • I'm Fine (România) - Digital solution for psychotherapy.
  • iSpeak (Lituania) - The Tik Tok for language learning.
  • Konvi (România) - Investment platform enabling partial ownership of alternative assets, starting with luxury watches and fine wine.
  • Lawyerd! (Ucraina) - Online platform protecting your online income stream through intellectual property protection.
  • Metabeta (România) - Data-driven investment platform for early-stage startups and investors.
  • Mileus (Cehia) - Intermodal mobility technology platform for ride-hailing and taxi operators.
  • Nu Credits (Polonia) - Trade finance platform for SMEs. and providing real-time insights of factory floors.
  • Otium (România) - Habit development platform that aggregates existing content using AI-assisted capabilities.
  • RepsMate (România) - Conversation intelligence platform that transforms sales and support representatives into top performers.
  • SenseTask (România) - AI-powered platform that automatically extracts relevant data from invoices, forms, receipts and contracts.
  • Streams Live (România) - Livestream shopping (live, interactive, sociable video sales).
  • Vatis Tech (România) - Speech recognition infrastructure made accessible for everyone.
  • WerkNow (Estonia) - Construction labour marketplace.

Spotlight este unul dintre cele mai importante programe dedicate startup-urilor tech early-stage din Europa de Est. Acesta s-a desfășurat exclusiv online până pe 21 noiembrie 2021.

Detalii despre startup-urile care au intrat în programul Spotlight 2021 și poveștile pe care le-am publicat pe start-up.ro găsiți aici.

Programul Spotlight este realizat în parteneriat cu Google for Startups, KPMG România, Mastercard România și BRD - Groupe Société Générale, cu suportul eMag, 2Checkout (acum Verifone), Fitbit, Microsoft România, BearingPoint România, Orange România, NN România și Credo Ventures.

Lansată în 2011 și organizată în cadrul conferinței How to Web, Spotlight este cea mai cunoscută competiție din regiunea Europei de Est adresată startup-urilor din tehnologie care vor să se dezvolte la nivel global.